Mar 14, 2025
2018-2019 Governors State University Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Management Information Systems, M.S.
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The College of Business offers a graduate major in Management Information Systems leading to a degree of Master of Science in Management Information Systems (MIS). This degree program is an applications-focused program designed to provide students with the required body of knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed to be a successful leader in the IT profession.
A bachelor’s degree in MIS is not required for admission to the program. Students who have earned their baccalaureate degrees in other academic areas will be required to complete appropriate preparatory courses in addition to those required for the master’s degree.
Special Admission Requirements
In addition to university admission requirements, applicants must submit the following documents as part of their application package:
- a GMAT or GRE score from tests administered within five years of the date of admission*;
- two confidential letters of recommendation from professional references (e.g. current or former college faculty member, current or former supervisor, community leader);
- a two page, double spaced statement of intent which discusses personal short and long term career goals and reasons for pursuing a MS in MIS degree at this time and what about this particular program is going to help reach those goals. Please give specific personal examples of leadership and provide other pertinent information to help the committee select candidates who can benefit from and contribute to the program. The statement of intent offers applicants the opportunity to demonstrate writing and communication skills and supports your candidacy for the MS in MIS; and
- a current resume.
*The GMAT or GRE may be waived for applicants who have met one of the following:
- a G.P.A. of 3.5 or higher for the last 60 hours, from a regionally accredited college or university; or
- a graduate degree from a regionally accredited college or university; or
- five years of relevant full-time work experience that includes one or more of the following: managing people, projects, and/or budgets. Waiver requests will be reviewed and approved on a case-by-case basis upon verification and committee approval; or
- meet the requirement for Guaranteed Admission to the MIS (GAMIS) program for GSU undergraduate students including:
- having completed 12 hours (4 courses) in core business courses (ECON-3404 ; FIN-3110 ; MIS-3101 ; MGMT-3400 ; MGMT-3500 ; BUS-3700 ; or up to 2 MIS 3000 or 4000 selectives) at GSU with a minimum of 3.25 from those business courses taken at GSU; and
- having or maintaining a 3.0 GPA or higher in last 60 hours of the undergraduate degree.
Current undergraduate students may only apply for GAMIS if they have met requirement (a) and completed at least 90 hours of their undergraduate degree program with at least an overall GPA of 3.25. Approved GAMIS students may waive the letters of recommendation special admission requirement.
Required Preparation
Prerequisite courses may be waived on a course-by-course basis for students with appropriate academic or professional preparation. Generally, students with an undergraduate degree in MIS or Business completed within the five years prior to application from a regionally accredited school, with grades of “B” or higher have satisfied most of these requirements. Applicable work experience may be demonstrated by submitting a portfolio documenting work. Each portfolio will be evaluated by the MIS faculty. Required preparation includes the following:
Candidacy Requirements
After admission as a degree-seeking student, a student must also apply for candidacy. Application forms are available in the Academic Advising Office. To qualify for candidacy, a student must:
- satisfy all conditions of admission;
- maintain an overall G.P..A. of at least 3.0 (on a 4.0 scale) for all course work completed at Governors State University;
- complete foundation and prerequisite courses with a grade of “C” or higher in each course and overall G.P.A. of 3.0 or better; and
- apply for candidacy after earning a minimum of 9 and a maximum of 12 graduate credit-hours (beyond foundation and prerequisite coursework). Students who complete more than 15 hours of degree requirements before attaining candidacy status may still be required to complete up to 18 additional hours, approved by the Dean, as a candidate before being approved for graduation by the college.
Degree Requirements
Students must meet all university requirements for a master’s degree. Students must meet all collegial graduation requirements listed at the beginning of this section. Program Requirements (27 Hours)
Career Sequence (6 Hours)*
The career sequence component is based on individual career goals. Students select 6 elective graduate credit hours from their career area, to be approved by their advisor. Student career sequence courses may be in disciplines such as business, logistics and supply chain management, management information systems, information security, computer science, health informatics, and accounting. Students with a non-technical background are encouraged to pursue work in MIS or CPSC, while those students with technical backgrounds will be encouraged to pursue course work in business, management, supply chain management and logistics, accounting. Students may choose any 6 hours of approved electives. The following courses have been approved. Courses not listed require approval of the MIS faculty: b. Logistics and Supply Chain Management
c. Approved Elective Courses in Business, Computer Science, or Health Informatics
Students must get pre-approval from an academic advisor for additional career sequence coursework. Most 7000 or higher level courses in MGMT, MKTG, ACCT, ECON, FIN, MIS from the College of Business are acceptable if the student has met the necessary perquisites for the course. Examples of approved graduate coursework in Health Informatics and Computer Science include: * Three credit-hours may be waived in the Career Sequence if the graduate research thesis (MIS-8999 ) is done as the final project. Master’s Final Project Selective (3-6 Hours)
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