The College of Arts and Sciences offers an undergraduate major in Art with a wide range of courses. Studio courses in ceramics, design, digital imaging, drawing, painting, photography, printmaking, and sculpture enable students to become mature artists in command of diverse materials and capable of expressing an individual view. Capacity for heightened perception and imagination is combined with an awareness of visual elements, principles of design, artistic statement, and criticism.
Classes in art history treat art objects as historical documents related in subject, style, technique, and material to other works of art and interpret their context and purpose. Courses range from contemporary, international, and regional artistic expressions to those of ancient America, Africa, and Asia.
Individualized instruction and advisement are offered by dedicated faculty who view themselves not only as teachers, but as producing and exhibiting artists and publishing scholars. This undergraduate major enables students to become practicing artists and gives them the broad intellectual background sought by professional schools, cultural institutions, and the business community. With the expanding use of the arts in contemporary life and the heightened visual awareness of our society, the employment outlook for Art majors continues to be promising.
Special Admissions Requirements
In addition to meeting university admissions criteria, students must participate in an interview with the faculty at which time the student must submit a portfolio of his or her work. The format for the portfolio can be found on the College of Arts and Sciences website at