The graduate major in Art, offered through the College of Arts and Sciences , stresses intellectual curiosity, self-discipline, and technical proficiency. With course work in painting, printmaking, photography, digital imaging, sculpture, or ceramics, the art studio student is directed to become a mature artist in command of the medium and capable of expressing an individual view.
Students are encouraged to develop perception and imagination, combined with an awareness of visual elements, principles of design, artistic statement, and criticism.
The graduate art program enables students either to become practicing artists or to achieve a level of scholarship that can help them to be art experts or professional educators. With a growing interest and expanding use of the arts in contemporary life, the employment outlook for art majors continues to be promising.
Classes in art history treat art objects as historical documents related in subject, style, technique, and material to other works of art and interpret their context and purpose. Courses range from contemporary international and regional artistic expressions to those of ancient America, Africa, and Asia. Students with an interest in art history elect a specific subject area.
Special Admission Requirements
In addition to meeting university criteria, applicants must:
- have an undergraduate major in one of the humanities; and
- have submitted a proposal, acceptable to the degree program advisor, that outlines academic goals with supporting rationale and plan of study and includes examples of previous work (e.g., sculptures, research papers, drawings, prints, or paintings, etc.).
Students will not be admitted to the major until the proposal reflecting potential for graduate work has been approved by the degree program advisor.
Thesis Requirement
As part of this degree program, students are to select with advisor’s approval either an art history or studio option.
The art history thesis consists of an analytical and historical approach to the study of a particular artist, art object, movement, or theme in the visual arts. In the thesis option, the student develops a thesis proposal in an area of art history acceptable to the program advisor, completes a research project, and prepares a formal thesis manuscript.
In the art studio option, the student prepares a one-person exhibition of a consistent body of work in the student’s area of interest and written documentation of the work and development.
Admission to Candidacy
Application for candidacy should be made after nine hours of graduate studio or graduate art history courses have been completed. To qualify for degree candidacy, a student must:
- complete nine hours of graduate studio or graduate art history courses with a G.P.A. of 3.0 or higher; and
- complete an approved thesis proposal.
More detailed candidacy information is available through the student’s advisor.