Mar 03, 2025
PHYT - 6628 Neuroscience for Physical Therapy Laboratory (1) This course parallels the topics covered in Neuroscience PHYT6626, with a focus on neuroanatomy. Structural components of the central and peripheral nervous system, including meninges, blood supply, ventricles, surface of the cerebrum, brainstem, cranial nerves, basal ganglia, cerebellum, and sensory and motor pathways will be emphasized. Laboratory studies in this course will include human brain specimen dissection. Instructional Method: Offered Face-to-Face. Prerequisite: PHYT - 6611 Gross Anatomy II (3) and PHYT - 6612 Gross Anatomy II Laboratory (1) or permission of instructor. Corequisite:PHYT - 6627 Neuroscience for Physical Therapy (3) or permission of instructor.
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