Sep 27, 2024  
2021-2022 Governors State University Academic Catalog 
2021-2022 Governors State University Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Information




  • BUS - 3700 Business Statistics (3)

    Covers bivariate distributions, test of hypothesis, analysis of variance, regression, linear models, correlation, nonparametric statistics, and chi-square tests. Uses extensively statistical computer package in the analysis of data and application of statistical tests as they apply in business situations. Equivalent to STAT-3700 and STAT 362 Instructional Method: Offered face-to-face and online. Prerequisite: Prerequisites: MATH - 2100 Elementary Statistics (3)  and MIS - 2101 Basics of Information Technology (3) .
  • CE - MBA7101 Professional Development Seminar I (0)

    Introduces professional skills for MBA students. Acquisition of these skills through active participation in the course will enhance students’ marketability and success.
  • CE - MBA7102 Professional Development Seminar II (0)

    Develops advanced professional skills for MBA students. Acquisition of these skills through active participation in the course will enhance students’ marketability and success.
  • MGMT - 1100 Essential Business Skills (3)

    Introduces non-business majors to fundamental business knowledge and skills for professionals in all disciplines. Topics include work-related interpersonal competencies, financial knowledge, project management, professional ethics, and marketing strategies and tactics. Emphasis is placed on the development of practical business skills that are transferrable to many different contexts and professions.
  • MGMT - 2001 Special Topics: Business in the Movies (1-3)

    Using descriptions from various films this course explores how popular culture has portrayed a specific business Issue, i.e. finance, management, ethics, the social responsibility of business, culture, etc… Provides general education credit towards the social and behavioral sciences.
  • MGMT - 2100 Principles of Business Management (3)

    Introduces students to the wonderful world of productive and ethical businesses by surveying behavioral and management science. Reviews the basic business core functions and the fundamental management functions (planning, organizing, directing, and controlling) in today’s environment of constantly changing conditions. Studies the impact of organizations upon stakeholders and the impact of stakeholders upon organizations. Instructional Method: Offered face-to-face and online. Prerequisite: Prerequisites: None.
  • MGMT - 3000 Special Topics in Management (1-3)

    Special topics course exploring issues of management.
  • MGMT - 3099 Business Ethics and Social Responsibility (3)

    Introduces moral principles and their applications to current issues in business. This course provides students the tools, concepts, and frameworks needed to make ethical decisions. Selected contemporary ethical issues in business are also explored. Instructional Method: Offered face-to-face and online. Equivalent to MGMT-3210. Prerequisite: Prerequisite: take MGMT 2100  .
  • MGMT - 3300 Human Resource Management (3)

    Acquaints the student with concepts and techniques of the human resource management process. Emphasizes ways to increase organizational group and personal effectiveness, as well as enhancing the quality of organizational life and using the human resources available. Equivalent to MGMT-320. Prerequisite: Prerequisite: take MGMT-2100 .
  • MGMT - 3400 Production and Operations Management (3)

    Introduces operations management, including examples from both manufacturing and services. Topics covered include product and service design, process design, forecasting, inventory management, scheduling, and logistics, with particular emphasis given to quality management and process improvement. Equivalent to MGMT-340. Prerequisite: Prerequisites: take MGMT-2100 , MATH-2100 .
  • MGMT - 3500 Organizational Behavior (3)

    Analyzes the behavior of people in organizations. Discusses organizational motivation, leadership, group behavior, communication, and decision-making. This is an extension and intensification of the behavioral portion of MGMT 2100. Instructional Method: Offered face-to-face and online. Equivalent to MGMT-401. Prerequisite: Prerequisite: take MGMT-2100 .
  • MGMT - 4300 Labor Relations (3)

    Introduces the study of management-union relations and the problems that arise for the enterprise in the managing of the union relationship as part of the human resource management function. Considers the structure, aims, and objectives of the union institution; the manner in which management deals with unions, management structure, and objectives in collective bargaining; the resolution of management-union disputes; and government regulation of collective bargaining. Equivalent to MGMT-421. Prerequisite: Prerequisite: take MGMT-2100 .
  • MGMT - 4310 Compensation and Incentive Systems (3)

    Deals with a wide range of pay theories together with certain precise methods of building compensation scales. Introduces the pay survey and requires development of an individual project. Considers problems of compensation and fringe benefits in times of high inflation. Equivalent to MGMT-423. Prerequisite: Prerequisite: take MGMT-3300 .
  • MGMT - 4320 Labor Markets (3)

    Analysis of labor force, labor supply, wages, and unemployment in terms of labor marketing experience and current theories. Appraisal of effects of unions and government policies on the economic position of labor. Equivalent to MGMT-425. Prerequisite: Prerequisites: take ECON-2301 , ECON-2302 .
  • MGMT - 4330 Human Resource Training and Management Development (3)

    Reviews the various internal and external sources and techniques of training the work force and provides the opportunity for students to develop and implement at least one training product. Equivalent to MGMT-426. Prerequisite: Prerequisite: take MGMT-3300 .
  • MGMT - 4340 Organizational Staffing (3)

    Provides an overview of the processes by which organizations staff positions with both external and internal applicants. Administrative, legal, and scientific perspectives on staffing functions are explored. Topics include staffing strategy and planning, equal employment opportunity, job/competency analysis, recruitment, a variety of selection practices, and turnover/retention. Instructional Method: Offered face-to-face and online. Prerequisite: Prerequisite: Take MGMT - 3300 Human Resource Management (3) .
  • MGMT - 4350 Performance Management (3)

    Provides an overview of the processes by which organizations manage the performance of employees. Practical and scientific perspectives on performance management are explored. Topics include methods of performance measurement, team performance, multi-source feedback, progressive discipline, and pay for performance Instructional Method: Offered face-to-face and online. Prerequisite: Prerequisite: MGMT - 3300 Human Resource Management (3)  
  • MGMT - 4400 Supply Chain Management (3)

    Considers the entire supply chain, covering both materials management (inbound) and physical distribution (outbound). Discusses the relationship management needed to build an effective supply chain. Emphasizes the strategic potential of logistics to attract and hold on to customers. Covers the five major costs of logistics (inventory, storage, packaging, transportation, and information) and the trade-offs involved in managing these costs. Equivalent to MGMT-442. Prerequisite: Prerequisite: take MGMT-3400 .
  • MGMT - 4410 Quality Management (3)

    Covers a mixture of technical and behavioral topics to prepare future managers to evaluate and improve the quality of business processes. Technical topics include statistical process control, process capability, Taguchi methods, ISO standards, and a variety of process improvement tools. Behavioral topics include employee empowerment, team-building, labor relations, and change management. Equivalent to MGMT-432. Prerequisite: Prerequisites: take MGMT-2100  and MATH-2100 .
  • MGMT - 4420 Production and Inventory Control Systems (3)

    Considers the concepts and methods for planning, scheduling, and controlling manufacturing operations. Includes machine loading, applications for short-run production, and continuous production. Studies tooling, equipment, and production of manufactured and processed products. Presents applications of the management science method, including forecasting demand, scheduling production, controlling inventories, linear programming, waiting line, simulation, and statistical techniques for controlling production. Equivalent to MGMT-443. Prerequisite: Prerequisite: take MGMT-3400 .
  • MGMT - 4430 Service Operations Management (3)

    Covers the principles of operations management as applied in a service setting. Topics covered include service process design, capacity management, employee scheduling, customer service, productivity and quality improvement, and operations strategy. Various management science methods, including linear programming and queuing models will be applied to the service environment. Equivalent to MGMT-444. Prerequisite: Prerequisite: take MGMT-3400 .
  • MGMT - 4440 Lean Manufacturing and Six Sigma Techniques (3)

    Focuses on both Advanced Lean Techniques and Six Sigma “Green Belt” methodologies. Integrates theories of business and statistics, with the goal of achieving tangible results through the elimination of waste and improved quality. Includes project planning and various statistical tools to equip students to be Green Belt certified and become a practitioner of Lean Six Sigma at their organization. Prerequisite: Prerequisite: take MATH-2100 .
  • MGMT - 4470 Seminar in Production and Operations Management (3)

    Focuses attention on the application of quantitative analysis, systems analysis, and other dynamic techniques to current operations problems. Readings, problems, classroom discussions, and group participation are required of all students. Individualized projects are possible that will be presented and evaluated in group sessions. Open to seniors only. Equivalent to MGMT-445. Prerequisite: Prerequisite: take MGMT-3400 .
  • MGMT - 4540 Seminar in Production and Operations Management (3)

    Designed as the capstone course for the B.S. in Applied Management, this course provides an integrated, strategic view of management and technology. Students will leverage prior learning experiences in technology and relate it to the learning from various management courses. Addresses the contemporary challenges general managers face today including globalization, technology induced innovation, and sustainable development. Equivalent to MGMT-465.
  • MGMT - 4570 Behavioral Research in Business (3)

    Designed to assist students who have had only a limited background in research and statistics. Emphasizes the language of research and the practical application of research designs to business. Equivalent to MGMT-422. Prerequisite: Prerequisite: take BUS-3700 .
  • MGMT - 4600 Globalization of Business (3)

    Presents an introduction and overview of the economic, social, and political aspects of international/multinational business theory and practice. Provides a foundation for students who wish to acquire greater knowledge and expertise in this rapidly expanding field. Instructional Method: Offered face-to-face and online. Equivalent to MGMT-410. Prerequisite: Prerequisite: take MGMT-2100 .
  • MGMT - 4610 International Business Strategy and Technology Management (3)

    Management of financial, human, operations resources, and technological innovation in international contexts. Focuses on the design and implementation of corporate strategies and performance measurement. Equivalent to MGMT-455. Prerequisite: Prerequisite: take MGMT-3099 .
  • MGMT - 4800 Independent Study (1-4)

    Independent study is intended to provide better students the opportunity to study a topic of their choice in management under professional supervision. Only students prepared to devote considerable time and effort should undertake an independent study. Students contemplating an independent study should first choose a definite area for investigation within management and an instructor to sponsor the work.
  • MGMT - 4880 Internship (3)

    Designed to provide management students with supervised practical experiences in applied settings. Equivalent to MGMT-480. Prerequisite: Prerequisites: Take MGMT-2100 ; submit internship application; approval by Division Chair to enroll.
  • MGMT - 4900 Strategic Management (3)

    Designed as the capstone course to integrate the various functional areas of business and administration applying management, finance, production, marketing, economic and accounting principles to solving business problems. Instructional Method: Offered face-to-face and online. Prerequisite: Prerequisites: Senior status; ACCT-2110 , ACCT-2111 , BLAW-2100 , FIN-3110 , MIS-3101 MKTG-2100  , MGMT-2100  , BUS-3200 , MGMT-3400 , MGMT-3500  (all required).
  • MGMT - 4901 Project Management (3)

    Focuses on issues of managing a project, including initiating, planning, executing, monitoring, controlling, and closing of projects. Studies project constraints and develops methodologies and skills for managing projects. Instructional Method: Offered in face-to-face and online format. Prerequisite: Prerequisites: Senior status; ACCT-2110 , ACCT-2111 , FIN-3110 , MIS-3101 , MKTG-2100 , MGMT-2100 , and MGMT-3400 .
  • MGMT - 5000 Topics In Management (1-3)

    Presents selected topics in the private and public sectors. May be repeated for credit with different topics. Equivalent to MGMT-550.
  • MGMT - 5200 Advanced Business Communications (3)

    Taught in conjunction with other designated courses in the College of Business and Public Administration to emphasize advanced writing and speaking skills. Emphasizes research methods, organization, formatting, writing, and oral presentation of business reports and proposals. Examines problems in intercultural communication, especially in international business. Equivalent to MGMT-560. Prerequisite: Prerequisite: take MGMT-3200 .
  • MGMT - 5520 Administration of Non-Profit Organizations (3)

    Stresses the relationship between the principles of business administration management and institutional management. Emphasizes the differences in goal setting and attainment and dependence upon different sources for their funds. Discusses the importance of volunteerism for a broad base of support and validation of need. Equivalent to MGMT-515.
  • MGMT - 5700 Statistical Data Processing for Business (3)

    Deals with the systematic collection, analysis, and interpretation of business data. Topics include principles of measurement, concept of statistical design of experiments, sampling methods, handling missing data, efficient coding, and analysis using package programs. Approximately 50 percent of course time will be devoted to computer applications. Equivalent to MGMT-511. Prerequisite: Prerequisites: take STAT-3700 , MGMT-6700 .
  • MGMT - 6700 Foundations of Managerial Statistics (3)

    Provides the student with sufficient statistical background for the graduate programs in CBPA. Includes descriptive statistics, probability, sampling theory, interval estimations, significance testing, the analysis of variance, correlation, and regression. Equivalent to MGMT-610.
  • MGMT - 7100 Professional Development Seminar (1)

    Develops advanced professional skills for MBA students. Acquisition of these skills through active participation in the course will enhance students’ marketability and success. Instructional Method: Offered as a hybrid. Semesters offered: Fall and Spring; Summer session.
  • MGMT - 7200 Problems in Business Ethics (3)

    Explores the role of the corporation in modern society and its responsibilities to the public government and the economic and social well-being of the nation. Equivalent to MGMT-823.
  • MGMT - 7300 Human Resource Management Strategies (3)

    Examines factors both internal and external to the organization and their influence on human resource planning. Deals with current issues and research in the area of human resource management. Equivalent to MGMT-820.
  • MGMT - 7310 Strategic Organizational Staffing (3)

    Study strategies for human resource staffing that  is aligned with organizational strategies and  swiftly changing business contexts.
  • MGMT - 7320 Strategic Human Resource Development Systems (3)

    Examines systems for human resource development that ensure alignment with organizational strategies and a rapidly changing business environment. Prerequisite: Prerequisite: Graduate Status
  • MGMT - 7330 Human Resources Analytics And Performance Management (3)

    Study of tactics for analyzing HRM effectiveness and managing employee performance. Topics include alignment of performance systems with organizational strategy, design and implementation of performance management systems, legal issues associated with performance management, and measuring and analyzing Human Capital utilization. Instructional Method: Lecture/Discussion
  • MGMT - 7340 Strategic Human Resource Compensation (3)

    Study of pay and benefits systems that incentivize  employees to achieve strategic goals of the  organization and functionally adapt to a changing  business environment. Instructional Method: Lecture/Discussion
  • MGMT - 7400 Operations Management: Strategies and Techniques (3)

    Covers topics of operations management, including product/service design, process design, quality management, inventory management, scheduling, purchasing and logistics, operations strategy, with significant emphasis on logic and techniques of supply chain management and process improvement. Focuses on the strategic impact of operations and the relationship among operations and the other functional areas of the firm in the global context. Equivalent to MGMT-840. Prerequisite: Prerequisites: take MGMT-6700  
  • MGMT - 7500 Organization Behavior in the Global Context (3)

    Appraises behavior in organizations worldwide and critically examines theories for explaining organizational phenomena and change. Equivalent to MGMT-810. Prerequisite: Prerequisites: Graduate Status
  • MGMT - 7600 International Business (3)

    Presents a systematic overview of international business. There will be an integrated progression of topics beginning with an understanding of the political, economic, cultural and monetary influences on international investment and business. The course will conclude with developing an understanding of the strategic and operational alternatives when conducting international business. Equivalent to MGMT-830. Prerequisite: Prerequisites: take  ECON-6100 .
  • MGMT - 7601 International Human Resource Management (3)

    Provides students with a thorough understanding of international human resource management (IHRM) practices and challenges. Differentiates between domestic and international HR, explains the strategic role of IHRM to a multinational enterprise’s performance and competitive advantage and focuses on global talent management and functional aspects of HR in the international context. Instructional Method: Offered face-to-face, hybrid, and fully online. Semesters offered: Fall and Spring; Summer session.
  • MGMT - 8000 Advanced Topics in Management (1-3)

    A graduate seminar exploring selected contemporary issues in the private and public sectors. May be repeated for credit with different topics. Equivalent to MGMT-865.
  • MGMT - 8300 Labor Management Relations (3)

    Deals with problems arising from employer- labor relationship. Studies theories of work, problems in organization, human resource management, and industrial relations research. Equivalent to MGMT-825.
  • MGMT - 8301 Legal Issues in Human Resource Management (3)

    Examines employment-related legislation and legal precedent impacting employee relations and human resource management. Instructional Method: Offered face-to-face, hybrid, and online formats as lecture/discussion. Semesters offered: Fall and Spring; Summer session.
  • MGMT - 8310 Human Resource Selection and Compensation (3)

    Addresses theory and an overview of practices in personnel recruiting, selection, and compensation. Focuses on establishing recruitment plans, prediction of employee performance, employee selection methodology, selection system validation, establishing compensation systems, and determining internal and external value of jobs. Equivalent to MGMT-821. Prerequisite: Prerequisite: take MGMT-7300 .
  • MGMT - 8400 Global Supply Chain Management (3)

    Studies global supply chain from a managerial perspective. Covers supply chain design, planning and operation. Emphasizes the strategic role of supply chains within a firm and between firms, and demonstrates how supply chains can be designed to create competitive advantage. Topics covered include forecasting, materials management, sourcing and procurement, distribution and logistics, transportation, information flows, and supply chain optimization. Equivalent to MGMT-842. Prerequisite: Prerequisite: take MGMT-7400 .
  • MGMT - 8410 Logistics, Transportation and Warehouse Management (3)

    Focuses on the concepts and principle of logistics management, including theories and practices of modern logistics, transportation management, warehouse and facility management, and performance measurement. Equivalent to MGMT-843. Prerequisite: Prerequisite: take MGMT-8400 .
  • MGMT - 8420 Decision Models in Supply Chain Management (3)

    Examines theory, models, and methodologies in supply chain management and logistics. Optimization, decision theory, simulation, and network models will be covered. Topics include models in inventory, warehousing, capacity, location, transportation, planning, performance measurement and risk. Equivalent to MGMT-844. Prerequisite: Prerequisite: take MGMT-7400 .
  • MGMT - 8430 Strategic Procurement and Materials Management (3)

    Presents the basic principles, policies and procedures governing the procurement of raw materials, components, finished products, and capital equipment. Focuses on the interrelationships of purchasing with other functional areas (marketing, finance, logistics, operations management, etc.) of business. Students are exposed to the tools and techniques for the management of strategic sourcing, materials management and quality management. Equivalent to MGMT-846. Prerequisite: Prerequisite: take MGMT-8400 .
  • MGMT - 8440 Project Management (3)

    Studies the principles of efficient project planning and control-needs analysis, work breakdown, scheduling, resource allocation, risk management, and performance tracking and evaluation - within the timeframe and cost projections stated in the overview section. Equivalent to MGMT-835. Prerequisite: Prerequisites: take MIS-7101  and MGMT-6700 
  • MGMT - 8450 Production Problems and Analysis (3)

    Production planning, machine operations, and materials for the manufacture of a product. Problems include the analysis of the elements of production scheduling and control, balancing work stations on production lines, and simulating plant layout. Equivalent to MGMT-816.
  • MGMT - 8500 Leadership Dynamics (3)

    This course is designed to give the student an understanding of the leadership task in modern organizations. It is a skills oriented approach, though the material will be linked to theory. Thus, we will concentrate on application and implementation by combining lectures and readings within class case analyses and group exercises. Equivalent to MGMT-855.
  • MGMT - 8510 Interdisciplinary Team Process (3)

    This course will bring together graduate students from many disciplines to learn effective communication and processing skills that will allow them to develop the understanding necessary for effective collaboration. This course will use communication and team building skills to demonstrate the value of interdisciplinary approaches. Such an interdisciplinary approach will show students effective techniques for valuing and educating clients/customers, identifying and overcoming barriers to effective customer/client service, and leading to outcomes desired by the client/customer. Equivalent to MGMT-864.
  • MGMT - 8530 Managing Change and Innovation in Complex Organizations (3)

    The course introduces conceptual models and analytical skills that empower students to understand and analyze environmental change and its effect on modern organizations. Students are exposed to the best practices in managing change and innovation with the goal of building a solid foundation in devising and implementing solutions for continued organizational competitiveness and effectiveness. Prerequisite: Prerequisite: MGMT-7500  
  • MGMT - 8550 Small Business Management (3)

    Applies the principles and techniques of management to the operation of a small business. Develops an in-depth understanding of small businesses using Small Business Institute cases. Equivalent to MGMT-845.
  • MGMT - 8610 International Business Strategy and Organizations (3)

    Analyzes business operations in the context of international business; focuses on entry strategies and organizational challenges involved in managing activities across national markets with emphasis on the relationship between entry strategies and organizational structure. Equivalent to MGMT-833. Prerequisite: Prerequisite: take MGMT-7600 .
  • MGMT - 8700 Issues in Public and Private Management (3)

    An advanced study of organizational issues such as leadership and organizational change. Students apply the ideas to public or private organizations. Equivalent to MGMT-860. Prerequisite: Prerequisite: take MGMT-7500 .
  • MGMT - 8800 Independent Study (1-4)

    Independent study is intended to provide better students with an opportunity to study a topic of their choice in management under professional supervision. Only students prepared to devote considerable time and effort should undertake an independent study. Students contemplating an independent study should first choose a definite area for investigation in management and an instructor to sponsor the work. Equivalent to MGMT-870.
  • MGMT - 8880 Internship (3)

    Designed to provide management students with supervised experiences in applied settings. Equivalent to MGMT-880.
  • MGMT - 8890 Graduate Thesis/Project (6)

    Provides an opportunity for intensive study of a problem chosen by the student. A candidate who is approved for the thesis option will be required to defend the thesis orally. The thesis option is limited to outstanding students who have been recommended by a minimum of two faculty in the College of Business and Public Administration and approved by the dean. Students interested in pursuing a doctorate in business should select the thesis option. Equivalent to MGMT-890.
  • MGMT - 8900 Strategic Management in a Global Context (3)

    Integrates the various operating functions of a business as the capstone course of the MBA degree. Shows the business as a system and demonstrates those special coordinating skills and knowledge that are necessary at the upper levels of an organization. Uses case analysis and assigned readings. Note: An additional fee will be charged at the time of registration for this course. Equivalent to MGMT-849. Prerequisite: Prerequisites: ACCT-7101 , ECON-7500 , MGMT- 7400 , MGMT-7500 MGMT-7600 FIN-7101 MIS-7101 , and MKTG-7100 ; also need graduate advisor approval.
  • MGMT - 8910 Integrative Human Resource Management Strategies (3)

    Study of strategies for integrating human resource  processes to achieve organizational goals and  take advantage of modern business information  systems. Instructional Method: Lecture/Discussion Prerequisite: Prerequisites: MGMT-7300 ; MINIMUM GRADE OF B, Graduate Advisor Approval required

Management Information Systems

  • MIS - 0100 Word Processing and Presentation Skills (1)

    Required course for CBPA students who have not achieved a 70% (undergrads) or 80% (graduates) on the MIS Competency exam, part 1, Word Processing and Presentation skills or prefer to sharpen their skills prior to taking the exam. Students who achieve a grade of “P” will have met the CBPA requirement for Part 1 of the MIS Competency exam.
  • MIS - 0200 Spreadsheet Skills (1)

    Required course for CBPA students who have not achieved a 70% (undergrads) or 80% (graduates) on the MIS competency exam, spreadsheet skills or prefer to sharpen their skills prior to taking the exam. Students who achieve a grade of “P” will have met the CBPA requirement for spreadsheet skills of the MIS Competency exam.
  • MIS - 0300 Database Software Skills (1)

    Required course for CBPA students who have not achieved a 70% (undergrads) or 80% (graduates) on the MIS Competency exam, Database skills or prefer to sharpen their skills prior to taking the exam. Students who achieve a grade of “P” will have met the CBPA requirement for database skills of the MIS Competency exam.
  • MIS - 0400 MIS Concepts (1)

    Provides an introduction to the use of computers to manage and analyze information in business and public administration. This includes introductory concepts of computer technology and management of information systems, concepts of systems analysis and problem solving.
  • MIS - 1111 Word Processing Applications (1-3)

    Provides a course in word processing. Topics are dependent upon the level offered (introductory, intermediate, or advanced). Equivalent to MIS-310.
  • MIS - 1301 Introduction to Spreadsheets (1-3)

    Provides an introduction to spreadsheets. See schedule for specific package offered. This course credit can vary from 1-3 hours dependent upon the level (introductory, intermediate, or advanced) offered. Equivalent to MIS-320.
  • MIS - 1501 Database Applications (1-3)

    Provides information on database management packages. See schedule for specific package covered. Equivalent to MIS-330.
  • MIS - 1701 Intro to PowerPoint Applications (1)

    Provides a course in introductory presentation tools software. See schedule for specific package offered. Equivalent to MIS-340.
  • MIS - 1702 Advanced Presentation Software (1)

    Provides a course in advanced presentation software and tools. See schedule for specific package offered. Equivalent to MIS-341. Prerequisite: Prerequisite: take MIS-2101 .
  • MIS - 2001 Topics in Innovative Technology Systems (1-3)

    Provides for hands-on experience with the latest software updates and latest technological offerings. Equivalent to MIS-399.
  • MIS - 2101 Basics of Information Technology (3)

    Provides an introduction to the use of computers in business data processing, including introductory concepts of computer technology. Includes hands-on experience with various microcomputer software packages, focusing on student use of electronic spreadsheet, word-processing, database, and presentation software. Instructional Method: Offered face-to-face and online. Equivalent to MIS-301.
  • MIS - 3101 Management Information Systems (3)

    Provides an overview of the fundamentals underlying the design, implementation, control, evaluation and strategic use of modern, computer-based information systems for business data processing, office automation, information reporting, decision-making, and electronic commerce. It covers introductory concepts of information technology in business, problem solving using information technology, and discusses the future of information technology. Equivalent to MIS-370. Prerequisite: Prerequisite: take MIS-2101 .
  • MIS - 3201 Business Systems Analysis (3)

    Introduces and utilizes the basic concepts of analysis of information systems. Emphasis will be on business systems development using CASE tools. Equivalent to MIS-401. Prerequisite: Prerequisites: take MIS-3101 .
  • MIS - 3202 Business Systems Design and Prototyping (3)

    Introduces systems design and application prototyping presents several methods for extracting, presenting, and refining a business user’s needs by building a working model with the help of software tools. Includes the basic concepts of design, specification languages, and systems implementation. Emphasis will be on business systems development using CASE tools Equivalent to MIS-402. Prerequisite: Prerequisites: take MIS-3101 , MIS-3201 , MIS-3401 .
  • MIS - 3401 Business Information Retrieval and Database Management (3)

    Introduces management of database systems. Management problem-solving will be related to the output of databases to include the development of business strategies, competitive analysis, internal analysis of cost, and other selected business subjects. Commercial software will be reviewed for performance and advantages. Addresses functional management lines and show a relationship between the external and internal environment and the business firm. Equivalent to MIS-420. Prerequisite: Prerequisite: take MIS-3101  and BUS-3700 .
  • MIS - 3501 Microcomputer Development and Diagnosis (3)

    Prepares students for the A+ Certification exam given by CompTIA. By teaching the various hardware components, operating systems, and networking. Focuses on DOS and Windows-based operating systems, including operating system commands. Equivalent to MIS-360. Prerequisite: Prerequisite: take MIS-2101 .
  • MIS - 3601 Telecommunications and Distributed Data Systems (3)

    Discussion of the fundamental terminology and operations of data communication networks, including interactive systems, distributed data processing, and local area networks. Equivalent to MIS-440. Prerequisite: Prerequisite: take MIS-3101 .
  • MIS - 3602 Fundamentals of Networking Hardware and Operating Systems (3)

    Covers the fundamental hardware of networking, including cabling, network cards, switchers/routers, and servers. It covers the installation and troubleshooting of each of these components. Network Operating Systems installation and troubleshooting will also be covered. Equivalent to MIS-445. Prerequisite: Prerequisites: take MIS-3501 , MIS-3601 .
  • MIS - 4001 Topics in Management Information Systems (1-3)

    This course offers the student the opportunity to study a current topic in this rapidly changing field. Equivalent to MIS-550.
  • MIS - 4101 Business Decision Modeling (3)

    Introduces the use of computers in creating models of business systems and simulations of business system outcomes. Covers the use of management gaming and the development of heuristic models used for management decision-making. Introduces use of modeling software and simulation languages. Equivalent to MIS-430. Prerequisite: Prerequisites: take MIS-3201 , MIS-3401 , BUS-3700 .
  • MIS - 4201 Information Systems Project Management (3)

    Emphasizes project management principles, techniques, and software tools in an information systems setting. Prerequisite: Prerequisite: MIS - 3101 Management Information Systems (3) .
  • MIS - 4301 Information Systems Management (3)

    Describes the role of information systems in business. Internal organization of the information systems department, and current information systems technology and theory are explored, but the emphasis is on real-life management issues. Equivalent to MIS-450. Prerequisite: Prerequisites: take MGMT-3099 , MIS-3201 , MIS-3401 .
  • MIS - 4501 Introduction to Management Sciences (3)

    Surveys the fundamentals of quantitative approaches to management decisions, including linear programming, forecasting, queuing, and inventory systems. Applications focus on business problems at an elementary level. Equivalent to MIS-460. Prerequisite: Prerequisites: take MIS-3101  and BUS-3700 .
  • MIS - 4580 Information Security (3)

    Explores fundamental concepts in information security. Topics include elementary cryptography, threats and countermeasures on stand alone computer systems, database security, network security, and administering security. Equivalent to MIS-580. Prerequisite: Prerequisite: take MIS-3601  or CPSC-4342 .
  • MIS - 4800 Internship (3)

    Provides the MIS student with supervised practical experiences in applied settings. Requires at least three classroom meetings. Equivalent to MIS-480.
  • MIS - 4801 Information Security Policy and Management (3)

    Explores policy and management aspects of information security to protect computer systems and networks. Topics include security models, policy, planning, risk analysis and management, operations security, physical, personnel and administrative security, access control, security evaluation, life cycle management, software security guidelines, network security guidelines, auditing and monitoring, and legal and ethical issues. Equivalent to MIS-581. Prerequisite: Prerequisite: take MIS-4580  or CPSC-4580 .
  • MIS - 4805 Independent Study (1-3)

    Independent study is intended to provide better students with the opportunity to study a topic of their choice in management information systems under professional supervision. Only students prepared to devote considerable time and effort should undertake an independent study. Students contemplating an independent study should first choose a definite area for investigation within management information systems and an instructor to sponsor the work. Equivalent to MIS-470.
  • MIS - 5000 Special Topics in Advanced Management Information Systems (1-3)

    Special topics course exploring advanced issues in Management Information Systems.
  • MIS - 6101 Information Systems for Managers (3)

    Provides an introduction to the use of computers to manage and analyze information in business and public administration. This includes introductory concepts of computer technology and management of information systems, concepts of systems analysis and problem-solving, and extensive hands-on experience with various microcomputer software packages. Equivalent to MIS-610. Prerequisite: Prerequisite: take MIS-2101 .
  • MIS - 6201 Information Systems Project Management (3)

    Emphasizes project management principles, techniques, and software tools in an information systems setting.

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