Sep 27, 2024  
2021-2022 Governors State University Academic Catalog 
2021-2022 Governors State University Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Information



Interdisciplinary Studies

  • IDSS - 4800 Interdisciplinary Studies Internship (2-3)

    Provides Interdisciplinary Studies students with supervised, practical experiences in applied settings. Equivalent to IDSS-480.
  • IDSS - 4900 Interdisciplinary Studies Appraisal (3)

    Integrates interdisciplinary course work as a function of life-long learning. Relates theories to personal processes and assessment of self-expression through individual and group projects. Equivalent to IDSS-490.

Integrative Studies

  • INST - 3100 Approaches and Interconnections: Scientific Research and Knowledge Production (3)

    Comprehensive introduction to the processes involved in knowledge production. Examines how different societies and cultures have used different sources of knowledge to address basic social inquiry. Special emphasis is placed on statistical inference and concrete applications of the scientific method to the natural and social sciences, arts, and the humanities. This course will make students more aware of the possibilities and limitations of the Internet as a medium of delivery of knowledge. Lecture/discussion/web-based course. Equivalent to INST-300.
  • INST - 3105 Writing, Information, and Technology Across the Disciplines (3)

    This course helps students develop and integrate skills for writing, accessing, and analyzing information, and using information-based technology across subject disciplines. Students will analyze and practice discourse conventions, critical thinking, and information access within the humanities, social sciences, and physical sciences. Instruction in library research skills and the web as a presentation tool are central to this course. Lecture/discussion/online course. Equivalent to INST-305.
  • INST - 3110 Perspectives on the Physical and Natural Sciences (3)

    Introduces the relationships between the physical or natural sciences and other disciplines such as public administration, economics, and health administration. Topics include the relationships among science and law, business, government, public health, and religion. Fundamental aspects of science, such as the scientific process and scientific models are also presented. Equivalent to INST-310.
  • INST - 3200 Humanity and Human Dynamics: a Comparative Study (3)

    Examine social and cultural development in a comparative framework. The emphasis is on interdisciplinary theory and approaches concerned with the articulation of collective human consciousness, the political economy, and collective action as they relate to constructing the past and present. Culture/discussion/media-based course. Equivalent to INST-320.
  • INST - 3330 The Measure of Knowledge: Quantitative Research Methods (3)

    Develops skills in research design for projects that integrates the different areas of knowledge. Special emphasis is placed in the formulation of public policy projects. It is an applied course which investigates the variety of statistical models used in research: analysis of variance, regression, and qualitative models. Concentrate on the framing of statistical models to fit the types of analysis encountered in integrated social research. A second emphasis will be upon the interpretation of statistical results deriving from tests of the various models. Equivalent to INST-330. Prerequisite: Prerequisite: take SOSC-4500  or INST-3100 .
  • INST - 3400 New Technology and Us (3)

    Provides knowledge and understanding of technological development in our societies from diverse points of view. Discusses topics including bioinformatics, Internet languages and security, and cyber-crime. Equivalent to INST-340.
  • INST - 3500 Literature of the Environment (3)

    Literature of the Environment is structured to involve the student in many forms of dialogue on issues pertinent to humanity’s relationship with Earth. By reading works by writers from diverse fields and by writing in response, the student will gain a better understanding of our planet and its needs and a better control of writing in response to learning. Equivalent to INST-350.
  • INST - 3600 Examining the Barriers: Studies in Race, Class, and Gender (3)

    Offers an in-depth study of the politics, economics, and social implications of race, class, and gender. Focuses on the ways the discourses of race, class, and gender are produced, as well as on the ways these discourse patterns orchestrate the relations between people’s everyday lives and the various social/political institutions that govern them. Investigates ways of reproducing, resisting, and/or reforming existing discourse/power structures. Equivalent to INST-360. Prerequisite: Prerequisite: take CPSC-2005 .
  • INST - 3650 Environmental Studies: A Case Studies Approach (3)

    Uses a case study approach in the characterization and analysis of selected local, regional, and global environmental issues. Develops connections and relationships among the case studies and generalized environmental issues. Equivalent to INST-370.
  • INST - 4000 Special Topics (3)

    A series of presentations using resources, specific developments, new creative approaches, and skills which will enable students to understand and appreciate the subject matter. Series may be repeated for different subjects. Equivalent to INST-395.
  • INST - 4100 Computer-Assisted Applications for Problem-Solving (3)

    Provides a sound grasp of analytical methods and skills for analyzing, maintaining, and interpreting various types of data used in the areas of social studies, history studies, environmental studies, and the physical and natural sciences. Equivalent to INST-400.
  • INST - 4110 Worlds of Art (3)

    Compares art objects from eight differing contexts and diverse geographical world areas and contrasts the imagery, cultural circumstances, and the worldview within which the art was created and functioned. Equivalent to INST-410.
  • INST - 4300 Global Political Transformation and Economic Integration (3)

    Examines contemporary global issues, trends in the transformation processes and international relations in the context in the 21st century. Approaches the study of these processes and entities from an interdisciplinary and integrated perspective using economics, politics, socio-culture, and history. Special emphasis will be placed on issues related to class, gender, ethnicity, and power, causes of conflicts, as well as potential solutions to contemporary global crises. Equivalent to INST-430.
  • INST - 4440 Nations and Migrations in the Atlantic World (3)

    Focuses on nation-building and migration history in the Atlantic World: the United States, the Caribbean, South America, industrial Europe, and West Africa. The course addresses the emergence of nations and national identities, the comparative influence of migration, the invention and classification of racial and ethnic categories, the formation of minorities and their differential impact on society, and the internationalization of labor markets. Equivalent to INST-440.
  • INST - 4450 Computer Languages for Business Programming (3)

    Introduces computer languages such as C++ to those students who major in the social sciences, information systems, business, and others that are not computer science. A strong emphasis is on business applications rather than science or computer science. Equivalent to INST-445. Prerequisite: Prerequisite: take INST-4100 .
  • INST - 4900 Senior Project Development (3)

    Prepares the student to undertake the senior project, which is the capstone or culminating experience for Integrative Studies majors. In the project, students are required to integrate their course work experience in the context of action in the world at large, an experience which may take any of several forms, including but not limited to goal-oriented international and/or cross-cultural travel, work in the community, or completion of a research project in the sciences, humanities, or arts. The specific direction taken for the senior project will be decided by the student in consultation with the professors overseeing this project development course. Faculty will work closely with the student to prepare him or her to pursue effectively the senior project during the next semester. Equivalent to INST-485. Prerequisite: Prerequisites: take INST-3100 , INST-3110 , INST-3200 .
  • INST - 4901 Senior Project (3)

    The senior project is designed as a capstone or culminating experience for integrative studies majors. Students are required to integrate their course work experience in the context of action in the world at large. The experience may take any of several forms, including but not limited to goal-oriented international and/or cross-cultural travel, work in the community, or completion of a research project in the sciences, humanities, or arts. The specific direction taken will be decided by the student in consultation with the professors overseeing the senior project development course. Equivalent to INST-490. Prerequisite: Prerequisite: take INST-4900 .
  • INST - 5101 Cultural Diversity (3)

    Study abroad. Experience a variety of cultures on site-art, architecture, music, history, and literature. Culture to be studied is dependent on instructor’s preference. Equivalent to INST-501.
  • INST - 5102 Race and Race Relations (3)

    The course examines discourse on race, race relations, and resistance in a world-historical context. Participants will study epistemology constructing the idea of race and racial categories. They will study the uses of race discourse and practice in the colonial and post-colonial encounter. Following dialectical methodology, participants will study discourses of resistance, rebellion, and reform underlying social change and the pursuit of racial justice. Equivalent to INST-502.
  • INST - 5103 Tropical Ecology (3)

    The course will integrate tropical ecology with current resource use practices, economics, and history of the Mayan culture in Belize. The central focus of the course will be ecological, with one week spent at a tropical rain forest field station and a second week spent on a barrier reef caye. The course will provide a broad-based overview of tropical ecosystems through “hands-on” experience and workshops dealing with such diverse subjects as climate, biodiversity, ethnology, and human influences on the environment. Equivalent to INST-503. Prerequisite: Prerequisite: take BIOL-2104 .

Intercultural Studies

  • ICS - 3200 Dynamics of the Spanish Language (3)

    Study of the Spanish language at both beginning and advanced levels of understanding. Focuses on different approaches and techniques to increase fluency in a second language. Equivalent to ICS-320.
  • ICS - 3400 Chinese Language and Culture I (3)

    China is developing both socially and economically at a rapid pace and is becoming more and more open to the outside world. In this sense, more and more connections are bound to occur between the U.S. and China. Therefore, the learning of Chinese language and culture will not only enhance the student’s ability to communicate in Chinese, but also promote the student’s understanding of Chinese culture and society. It will also give students a chance to enrich their own experience in language learning and the ability to communicate interculturally. Equivalent to ICS-440.
  • ICS - 3401 Chinese Language and Culture II (3)

    Introduces more situational conversations and Chinese characters; integrates language and learning with culture; and includes topics of Chinese economy, politics, education, and arts. Equivalent to ICS-441. Prerequisite: Prerequisite: take ICS-3400 .
  • ICS - 3550 German Language and Culture I (3)

    Introduces basics of German languages, integrates language and learning with culture, develops speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills up to a basic level, which will enable them to engage in simple conversations with German-speaking people. Introduces the traditions and culture of everyday life for German-speakers. Equivalent to ICS-455.
  • ICS - 3551 German Language and Culture II (3)

    Introduces intermediate German language concepts, integrates language and learning with culture, develops students’ speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills up to an intermediate level, which will enable them to express their own ideas and interact with German speakers significantly. Presents grammar and vocabulary as crucial tools for effective communication. Equivalent to ICS-456. Prerequisite: Prerequisite: take ICS-3550 .
  • ICS - 4400 Chinese Language and Culture III (3)

    Introduces more situational conversations and Chinese characters; integrates language and learning with culture; and includes the topics of Chinese philosophy, literature, religions, tourism, and sports. Equivalent to ICS-442. Prerequisite: Prerequisites: take ICS-3400 , ICS-3401 .
  • ICS - 4550 German Language and Culture III (3)

    Introduces upper-intermediate German language concepts, integrates language and learning with culture, develops students’ speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills, which will enable them to express their own ideas and interact with German speakers. Presents grammar and vocabulary as crucial tools for effective communication. Equivalent to ICS-457. Prerequisite: Prerequisite: take ICS-3551 .
  • ICS - 4600 Topics in Geography: World History and Geography (3)

    Develops a critical awareness of the relationship of geography to major events and periods in world history. Integrates basic concepts and methods in geography (nature, culture, region, area, localization, scale, evolution, map-reading, and quantification) in a critique and comparison of major historical constructs (society, resource, diffusion, race, environmental determinism, and social breakdown and disintegration). Equivalent to ICS-550.
  • ICS - 4605 Perspectives in Latina/o Studies (3)

    Provides, through interdisciplinary survey perspective, an introduction to Latina/o studies. Introduces readings in several disciplines centered on the concepts of Latina/o identity through a cultural lens. Equivalent to ICS-5500, ICS-505.
  • ICS - 4610 Introduction to Gender Studies (3)

    Provides through an interdisciplinary survey perspective, an introduction to gender studies. Introduces readings in several disciplines centered on the concept of gender as a social reality. Equivalent to ICS-510.
  • ICS - 4620 African Politics (3)

    Examines the problem of social and political change on the African continent. Evaluates selected paradigms and concepts in terms of the historical scope and range of national and interregional situations. Equivalent to ICS-532.
  • ICS - 4630 Hispanic Experience in the US (3)

    Examines the Hispanic/Latino experience in the United States with a consideration of both the immigrant experience and the challenges of subsequent generations. Attention is given to the political, socio-economical, and cultural dimensions of this experience. Equivalent to ICS-5400, ICS-540.
  • ICS - 4640 African Civilizations (3)

    A study of African people and their various cultural differences. Focuses on correcting misconceptions of Africa and the Africans through readings from a wide selection of publications. Equivalent to ICS-548.
  • ICS - 4650 Latin America: Culture and Society (3)

    A study of the historical and cultural evolution of the Latin American and Caribbean societies in their economic, political, and ideological aspects with emphasis on the process of modernization, and contemporary issues such as economic development, revolution, insurgency of women, migration, religion, and reform. Equivalent to ICS-575.
  • ICS - 6610 Introduction to Gender Studies (3)

    Provides through an interdisciplinary survey perspective, an introduction to gender studies. Introduces readings in several disciplines centered on the concept of gender as a social reality. Equivalent to ICS-510.
  • LACL - 2100 Introduction to Latin American, Caribbean, and Latino Studies (3)

    Introduces Latin American, Caribbean, and Latino histories and cultures including history, political science, anthropology, language, literature, sociology, music, art, geography, and ethnic studies. Explores the commonalities and the differences in Latin America and Caribbean societies, and the commonalities and differences of the people of Latin American and Caribbean origin in the continental United States. Prerequisite: Prerequisites: None

Information Technology

  • IT - 3099 Junior Seminar Information Technology (3)

    Review and analyze issues concerning the impact of Computer Information on society and on computer information system professionals. Explores current and emerging domains impacting the field, research and development of computer information. It introduces students to courses and specialized areas in the computer science and information technology program at GSU. It helps the student see the “big picture” of the computer science.
  • IT - 3110 Fundamentals of Information Technology (3)

    Explores the basics of computer technology, including hardware and software, as well as introductory networking and security topics and basic troubleshooting techniques. Hardware topics include system boards, processors, memory, power supplies, input/output (I/O) ports and devices, and laptop computers. Software topics include operating systems and O/S installation.
  • IT - 3210 Introduction to Scripting Languages (3)

    Explores the basics of program logic and scripting languages. Basic programming concepts and design will be studied and adapted to scripting languages allowing customization of the computer environment. Instructional Method: Online Lecture Offered during the Spring Semester.
  • IT - 3310 Information Technology Project Management (3)

    Introduces students to the procedures, tools, terminology and techniques used in planning and managing Information Technology projects. Issues covered include scope, time management, HR management, communication and risks of the projects. The course also focuses on developing the manager’s ability to organize and lead project teams, manage costs and multiple resources.
  • IT - 3520 Cisco CCNA I (3)

    Teaches networking based on technology, covering networking concepts using a top-down, theoretical, and integrated approach - from network applications to the network protocols and services provided to those applications by the lower layers of the network. Including the OSI Model and Routing protocols. Corequisite: CPSC-4342  
  • IT - 3521 Cisco CCNA II (3)

    Provides a comprehensive, theoretical, and practical approach to learning the technologies and protocols needed to design and implement a converged switched network. Students learn about the hierarchical network design model and how to select devices for each layer. Additionally this course discusses the WAN technologies and network services required by converged applications in enterprise networks. Students learn how to implement and configure common data link protocols and how to apply WAN security concepts, principles of traffic, access control, and addressing services. Requisite courses: Take IT-3520 . (Required, Previous).
  • IT - 4210 Wireless Networks and Security (3)

    Explores the basics of wireless networks and wireless security, as well as wireless site surveys. Topics covered include IEEE 802.x standards for wireless communications. The course focuses on the development of wireless networks from site surveys to secure implementation.
  • IT - 4455 Securing Operating Systems (3)

    Enhances student’s knowledge of security and securing operating systems. Explores the skill sets, procedures and compliance related practices regarding securing operating systems. Instructional Method: Lecture/discussion. Semester Offered: Fall. Prerequisite: Prerequisites: take CPSC-4570 .
  • IT - 4520 IP Routing (3)

    A study of protocols, including the planning, configuration and implementation of secure enterprise LAN and WAN routing solutions using a range of routing protocols. Prerequisite: Prerequisite: take CPSC-4342 .
  • IT - 4521 IP Switched Networks (3)

    A study of switching principles, including the planning, configuration, and implementation of VLans, fault tolerant LANs, and accommodations for voice and video on local area networks. Prerequisite: Prerequisite: take CPSC-4342 .
  • IT - 4522 Troubleshooting IP Networks (3)

    A study of troubleshooting principles, including performing regular maintenance on complex routed and switched networks and use of technology-based practices and a systematic ITIL-compliant approach to perform network troubleshooting. Prerequisite: Prerequisite: take IT-4520  or IT-4521 .
  • IT - 4535 Introduction to the Unix System (3)

    Provides a conceptual structure for students who want to learn to work  within a Linux environment. This course breaks down beginning concepts building into the more advanced ones. Instructional Method: Online Lecture Offered during Fall Semester and Summer Session.
  • IT - 4536 Introduction to the Linux System (3)

    Provides a structured means for students who want to learn the state-of-the-art of the Linux environment. Instructional Method: Offered face-to-face and online. Offered Fall and Summer terms. Prerequisite: Prerequisites: None.
  • IT - 4537 Advanced Linux Administration (3)

    Builds upon the knowledge gained from CPSC - 4535 Introduction to the UNIX System (3) . This course covers the additional administration tasks of the Linux Operating System. Students will be working with such concepts as assigning permissions to users and groups, setting up email and printing capabilities, working with the X Windows system and system configurations. Prerequisite: Prerequisite: CPSC-4535  or approval of program advisor.
  • IT - 4540 Information Security and Assurance I (3)

    The course introduces students to computer vulnerabilities and threats and steps that can be taken to safeguard computers and networks from vulnerabilities and threats. This course will expose the student to security planning, security technology, security organization, and the legal and ethical issues associated with computer and network security. Prerequisite: Prerequisite: take CPSC-4342  or CPSC-4570 .
  • IT - 4541 Information Security and Assurance II (3)

    Focuses on the principles, theory and terminology of Information Assurance. Students will study the principles of vulnerabilities, risk management, countermeasures, operational security and disaster planning. The course will also introduce common threats, tools, and practices used by hackers to attach an organization’s information infrastructure. Special emphasis is placed on the use and understanding of scanning and exploit tools. Prerequisite: Prerequisite: take IT-4540 .
  • IT - 4560 Introduction to Virtualization (3)

    Focuses on both the theory and practice of virtualization techniques. Topics include basic virtualization concepts, virtualization technique comparison, desktop virtualization, server virtualization, network virtualization, storage virtualization, security issues in virtualization, virtualization products, and designing and managing virtual infrastructures.
  • IT - 4561 Introduction to Cloud Computing (3)

    Focuses on both the theory and practice of cloud computing technologies. Topics include basic cloud computing concepts, comparison between cloud computing and other related technologies, service model classification, Software as a Service (SaaS), Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), management in cloud computing, security issues in cloud computing, and cloud computing applications.
  • IT - 4562 Special Topics in Virtualization and Cloud Computing (3)

    Focuses on special topics in virtualization and cloud computing, such as mobile virtualization, mobile cloud computing, security and privacy issues in virtualization and cloud computing, performance and quality of service, interoperability, and standardization. Prerequisite: Prerequisite: take IT-4560 .
  • IT - 4810 Information Technology Senior Seminar/Project (3)

    Provides the Information Technology student with the opportunity to synthesize work by developing and completing a project specific to the student’s interests in information technology.
  • IT - 7000 Social Engineering Concepts (3)

    Defines social engineering, how to strengthen the human element against social engineering, and how to properly educate and train people on social engineering techniques. Students participate in multiple social engineering attempts to check for vulnerabilities and exploits in resources. Instructional Method: Instructional Method: Lecture/Discussion Prerequisite: Prerequisites: Must have an undergraduate degree in Information Technology or Computer Science
  • IT - 7020 Fundamentals of Security Management (3)

    Introduces the foundation of how to design, build, and maintain security functions. Students learn how to manage user access control, counter-act common malware attacks, and how to manage via defense in depth strategies while utilizing various software. Instructional Method: Instructional Method: Lecture/Discussion Offered Fall term and/or Summer Session. Prerequisite: Prerequisite: Equivalent of the undergraduate course CPSC-4580 CPSC - 4580 Information Security (3)  
  • IT - 7030 Cybersecurity Fundamentals (3)

    Explores concepts in cybersecurity and network security. Students illustrate the ability to employ cryptography, monitor threats and implement countermeasures on enterprise network systems, database security, network security, and security administration. Instructional Method: Instructional Method: Lecture/Discussion Offered Spring Semester. Prerequisite: Prerequisite: The equivalent of the undergraduate course CPSC - 4342 Introduction to Computer Networks (3)  
  • IT - 7035 Infrastructure Management & Design (3)

    Develops the fundamental skills needed for network design. It focuses on design methodologies, routing protocols, addressing and network expansion taking into considerations such as security, voice, and wireless requirements. Instructional Method: Instructional Modality: Lecture/Discussion Offered Fall Semester. Prerequisite: Prerequisites: The undergraduate equivalent to IT - 3520 Cisco CCNA I (3)  and IT - 3521 Cisco CCNA II (3)  or Cisco CCNA Routing and Switching certification.
  • IT - 7120 Distributed Systems & Network Security (3)

    Expands LAN topics in dealing with network security while traversing a public WAN environment. Teaches how to ensure data integrity and confidentiality while making data readily available. Instructional Method: Instructional Modality: Lecture/Discussion Offered Spring Semester. Prerequisite: Prerequisites: The undergraduate equivalent CPSC - 4342 Introduction to Computer Networks (3)  and IT - 7020 Fundamentals of Security Management (3) .
  • IT - 7202 Health Care Security Framework (3)

    Describes the ways one can protect patient’s personal information in addition to hardening the defenses while learning about information and risks governances that are directly related to the health care industry. Instructional Method: Instructional Modalities: Lecture/Discussion Offered Fall Semester and/or Summer Session. Prerequisite: Prerequisites: None.
  • IT - 7230 Cyber Attack Methodologies (3)

    Outlines the knowledge for the security practitioners to configure and operate security threat detection tools. Skills in analyzing security operations data and events will be covered. Identifying and addressing risks to organizations and providing proper information to management will be taught. Instructional Method: Instructional Modalities: Lecture/Discussion Offered Spring Semester. Prerequisite: Prerequisite: IT-7030  
  • IT - 7265 Information Technology Project & Team Management (3)

    Compare and contrast the principles and practices necessary to be an effective IT project manager with a strong focus on the PMI knowledge areas. Illustrate the ability to manage an IT project from start to finish utilizing project management methodologies. Instructional Method: Instructional Modalities: Lecture/Discussion Offered Spring Semester. Prerequisite: Prerequisites: The undergraduate course experience equivalent to IT - 3310 Information Technology Project Management (3)  
  • IT - 7412 Configuring Advanced Windows Server (3)

    Working in a client/server network a professional needs to have the advanced knowledge to effectively manage the network operating system. Topics include configuring network services, advanced usage of active directory domain services (AD DS), and working with various access solutions for fault tolerance and load balancing. Instructional Method: Instructional Modalities: Lecture/Discussion Offered Fall Semester. Prerequisite: Prerequisites: The undergraduate courses equivalent to CPSC - 4342 Introduction to Computer Networks (3)  and CPSC - 4572 Advanced Windows Administration (3) .
  • IT - 7450 Cloud Integrity Assurance (3)

    With the advent of cloud computing more and more companies have been leveraging its advantages due to its convenience and global availability. Topics will include utilizing a cloud service provider to implement disaster recover, ensuring business continuity and virtual storage provisioning with a strong focus on privacy and trust baselines. Instructional Method: Instructional modality: Lecture/Discussion Offered Fall Semester. Prerequisite: Prerequisite: Must have the undergraduate course knowledge equivalent to IT - 4561 Introduction to Cloud Computing (3) .
  • IT - 7455 Advanced Security Practitioner (3)

    This course covers the competencies and skills required to design, and engineer secure solutions across enterprise environments, as well as the ability to apply research and standard methodologies across the security disciplines. Instructional Method: Instructional Modality: Lecture/Discussion Offered Fall Semester. Prerequisite: Prerequisite: IT-7030  
  • IT - 7462 Special Topics in Infrastructure Management (3)

    This course provides a review of contemporary issues concerning network infrastructure management, design and maintenance. Explores current and emerging issues impacting the field, research and development in the enterprise network field, and human resources issues pertaining to the impact of technology. Instructional Method: Instructional Modality: Lecture/Discussion Offered Fall Semester. Prerequisite: Prerequisite: IT-7035  
  • IT - 7514 Designing & Implementing a Server Infrastructure (3)

    Building upon the knowledge gained from IT-7412 IT - 7412 Configuring Advanced Windows Server (3)  students will learn how to manage high server availability via redundancy and business continuity while also being able to work Active Directory’s more advanced features. In addition, this course will teach students to effectively managing remote and network access solutions. Instructional Method: Instructional Modality: Lecture/Discussion Offered Fall Semester. Prerequisite: Prerequisite: IT-7412 IT - 7412 Configuring Advanced Windows Server (3)  
  • IT - 7520 Implementing Cisco Network Security (3)

    Disseminates the knowledge needed for securing routers and switches and their associated networks.  Students will learn skills for installation, troubleshooting and monitoring of network devices to maintain integrity, confidentiality and availability of data and devices and develops competency in the technologies used in security infrastructure. Instructional Method: Instructional Modality: Lecture/Discussion Offered Fall Semester. Prerequisite: Prerequisites: Undergraduate equivalent course experience with IT - 3520 Cisco CCNA I (3)  and IT - 3521 Cisco CCNA II (3)  or Cisco CCNA Routing and Switching Certification.
  • IT - 7521 Unified Communication Solutions (3)

    Analyze the various integration and deployment solutions, as well as the environmental differences between PBX and IP telephony-based telephone systems. Provides the fundamental design and administration goals for migrating from PBX to IP Telephony. Including supporting unified messaging: e-mail, voice, and fax messages delivered to a single inbox. Instructional Method: Instructional Modality: Lecture/Discussion Offered Spring Semester. Prerequisite: Prerequisites: Undergraduate equivalent course experience with IT - 3520 Cisco CCNA I (3)  and IT - 3521 Cisco CCNA II (3)  or Cisco CCNA Routing and Switching Certification.
  • IT - 7535 Oracle Linux Administration (3)

    With the increase in open source software being utilized due to its reduced cost, flexibility and customization more businesses are leveraging its capability. Oracle Solaris is one of the world’s most advanced enterprise operating system students will learn the basics of Solaris while advancing their knowledge with Solaris’ more advanced features. Instructional Method: Instructional Modality: Lecture/Discussion Offered Fall Semester. Prerequisite: Prerequisites: Undergraduate equivalent course experience in Unix System, such as CPSC-4535 .
  • IT - 7540 Wireless Penetration Testing (3)

    With wireless communication being utilized for the transfer of sensitive data, wireless local area networks and wireless wide area networks have seen a tremendous amount of use. With more use of such technologies, the amount of security risks increases. Students taking this course will use commercial tools to perform penetration testing on AP and Bluetooth devices. Based on those results they will work on hardening the WAPs. Instructional Method: Instructional Modality: Lecture/Discussion Offered Fall Semester. Prerequisite: Prerequisites: Undergraduate equivalent course experience with IT - 4210 Wireless Networks and Security (3) .
  • IT - 7582 Applied Cryptography (3)

    Since its initial implementation, the concept of cryptography has changed drastically in the world of technology. This course breaks down the concepts of cryptography by examining modern cryptography and practice, how to look for vulnerabilities in different algorithms, and steps to help mitigate given vulnerabilities utilizing the advanced features of different cryptography ciphers.

      Instructional Method: Instructional Modality: Lecture/Discussion Offered Fall Semester and Summer Session. Prerequisite: Prerequisite: IT-7020 IT - 7020 Fundamentals of Security Management (3) .

  • IT - 7605 Advanced Network Forensics and Analysis (3)

    Explains and demonstrates skills used for analyzing network traffic. Its focus includes an introduction to IPv6, ICMPv6 and DHCPv6 analysis and understanding packet capturing functionality and trace files analysis.

      Instructional Method: Instructional Modality: Lecture/Discussion Offered Fall Semester and Summer Session. Prerequisite: Prerequisite: IT-7120 IT - 7120 Distributed Systems & Network Security (3) .

  • IT - 7740 Operating System & Application Hardening (3)

    An analysis of vulnerabilities in software, running various nodes that connect to a network, and learning how to strengthen them to reduce the likelihood of security breaches. Topics regarding hardening the Windows OS (both server and client), utilizing whitelisting, applying security templates, and configuration via PowerShell are examined. Instructional Method: Instructional Modality: Lecture/Discussion Offered Fall Semester. Prerequisite: Prerequisites: Undergraduate equivalent course experience with IT - 4540 Information Security and Assurance I (3) .
  • IT - 7750 Fundamentals of Biometric Security (3)

    Examines methods and principles for biometric security and identification systems. Biometric technologies covered include fingerprint, facial, iris, hand shape geometry, and voice-based biometrics. Additional topics include system design, performance evaluation, and biometric system security. Instructional Method: Instructional Modality: Lecture/Discussion Offered Spring Semester. Prerequisite: Prerequisites: None
  • IT - 7980 Research Thesis (3)

    Students will leverage all the material covered in the previous courses to provide a detailed resolution to a technology issue. In addition,students will apply employee research and theory investigation of a problem in information technology, under the supervision of a faculty member.
  • IT - 7990 Graduate Capstone (3)

    Provides Information Technology graduate student with the opportunity to synthesize work by developing and completing a project specific to the student’s interests in information technology and management. Prerequisite: Prerequisite: IT - 7035 Infrastructure Management & Design (3)  


  • JAPN - 3350 Japanese Language and Culture I (3)

    This course is designed to help students improve basic Japanese language skills and obtain general information of Japan. Students will handle and perform daily conversation in Japanese, acquire the abilities to read and write two basic Japanese characters, HIRAGANA and KATAKANA (and some KANJI) and learn introductory grammar. Topics about Japanese culture will be presented and discussed to understand Japan, Japanese people, and the language. Equivalent to JAPN-435.
  • JAPN - 3351 Japanese Language and Culture II (3)

    This course is designed for students who have basic four skills of Japanese Language (speaking, writing, reading, and listening). Students will improve their conversational skills and learn more grammar, and expand their basic knowledge of Kanji, vocabulary and idioms. Students also have opportunities to learn about Japanese history, culture, political system, and economy. Equivalent to JAPN-436. Prerequisite: Prerequisite: take JAPN-3350 .
  • JAPN - 4350 Japanese Language and Culture III (3)

    This course is designed to improve students’ command of Japanese in writing, speaking, reading, and understanding. Students also have opportunities not only to learn and discuss Japanese culture, customs, thinking and politics, but also to achieve mutual respect among people in the United States and Japan. Equivalent to JAPN-437. Prerequisite: Prerequisite: take JAPN-3351 .

Liberal Arts and Sciences

  • LAS - 4100 Investigations in the Social Sciences (3)

    Examines the major debates over the dominant paradigms that guide the various social research disciplines, (e.g., history, sociology, political science, and economics). In particular, the status of social knowledge, theories of “human nature,” the social basis of collective action, the role of the state, and the sources of social diversity and historical change will be considered. Equivalent to LAS-410.
  • LAS - 4125 Investigations in Scientific Thought (3)

    Examines the development of scientific concepts from the ancient Greeks to the present, focusing on how scientists think and work-their thought processes, their approaches to problem-solving, the roles of conjecture and intuition, and the role of serendipity. Contributions of individual scientists and schools of scientific thought are critically evaluated, and the importance of science in contemporary society is assessed. Equivalent to LAS-430.
  • LAS - 4127 Investigations in Mathematical Thought (3)

    Examines the development of mathematical concepts from the ancient Greeks to the present. Contributions of individual mathematicians and schools of mathematical thought are critically evaluated, and the importance of mathematics in modern culture is appraised. Equivalent to LAS-440.
  • LAS - 4200 Investigations in the Humanities (3)

    Examines investigatory procedures and explanatory logic used in treating art, literature, and music. Emphasis will be placed on specific artists, composers, and literary figures with reference to the creative process. Equivalent to LAS-420.


  • LEAD - 9101 Research Literature, Data Analysis, and Decision Making (3)

    Provides doctoral students with guidance in the design of scientific method, data collection, data analysis strategies, and alternative designs for research questions and culminating projects. Emphasizes both quantitative and qualitative approaches to public inquiry and problem solving. Prerequisite: Prerequisite: take LEAD-9102 .
  • LEAD - 9102 Theory and Ethics of Leadership (3)

    Examines the historical and contemporary development of leadership theory and research, covering leadership in public (government and quasi-governmental) and private organizations, in Western and on-Western cultures. Topics include ethical practices, leaders behaviors, situational approaches to leadership, followership, teams and boards, diversity, power, communication, global leadership, change management, and leadership development.
  • LEAD - 9103 Finance and External Funding (3)

    Addresses issues of financial management at the federal, state, and local government levels. Topics include federal, state, and local tax policy; not-for-profit finance; educational institutions finance; privatization; economic development; debt management; and the roles of rating agencies, investment bankers, and investors. Emphasis is placed on identifying program/community needs, locating funding sources and programs, and developing the skills necessary to develop a successful funding proposal.
  • LEAD - 9104 Strategic Planning, Collaboration, Sustainability (3)

    Focuses on the concepts of results-based strategic planning, critical inquiry, new assessment paradigms, collaboration, and sustainability. The content will include authentic assessments of learning and processes, and broadening the base of responsibility for processes and results (outcomes). New knowledge about and use of information systems, integrating technology and high performance learning expectations, and the Chief Academic Officer’s role in the process will be addressed.
  • LEAD - 9105 Communicating Strategies for Effective Organizations (3)

    Addresses the principles, knowledge, and skills related to effective interpersonal and public relations in educational, not-for-profit, and public safety organizations. Emphasis is placed on communication theories and practices; interaction with media venues: uses of technology; the social ecology of organizations; conflict and crisis management; community relations; strategic marketing and legal and ethical considerations.
  • LEAD - 9106 Change, Diversity, and Global Issues (3)

    Applies theory to the practice of leadership within societies and organizations as they face the adaptive challenges of a changing global world. The course clarifies the relationship among key concepts-leadership, management, authority, power, influence, change, and diversity-to provide students with a practical, coherent, and clear theoretical understanding of contemporary and emergent forms of leadership.
  • LEAD - 9991 Capstone Seminar (3)

    Addresses finalizing areas of interest for the applied research project, conducting a site assessment, preparing a prospectus, conducting a literature review, developing an IRB application, and preparing an oral defense of the Capstone proposal. Provides collaborative support, while also addressing supplemental topics such as preparing for the culminating project defense, submitting conference presentation proposals, writing grants, and manuscripts for publication, developing a curriculum vitae and job searching. Prerequisite: Prerequisites: Completion of 48 hours of doctoral coursework and content area (qualifying exam); also for superintendent strand, successful completion of the ILTS Content Area exam before beginning seminar. Graduate students in the Interdisciplinary Leadership Ed.D. Program may also be granted permission to enroll in the Capstone Seminar with approval from the Division Chair and College Dean.
  • LEAD - 9997 Directed Scholarship: Interdisciplinary (1)

    This course is designed for students continuing active enrollment in their doctoral program while completing degree requirements. Must have received a grade of “CR” in a designated capstone to enroll. Course is repeatable for credit. Prerequisite: Prerequisite: Take LEAD 9999  
  • LEAD - 9998 Capstone Internship I (3)

    Enables the candidate to demonstrate mastery of competencies required of a leader. These experiences are designed for graduate students in all four strands: Non-Profit/Social Entrepreneurial; Public Safety/Criminal Justice; Higher Education Administration; and Superintendent, and will occur within diverse academic, economic, social, and cultural settings to provide the candidate with opportunities to lead activities which impact various members of organizational, school and/or district settings. Candidate hours of required field work will be determined by the scope of the Capstone Project, as determined by his/her Capstone Committee, including a Capstone Internship I Site Supervisor. Prerequisite: Prerequisites: (1) Completion of 48 hours of doctoral coursework; (2) completion of Capstone Seminar; (3) pass both the written and oral qualifying exams, and (4) for superintendent strand, successful completion of the ILTS Content Area exam before beginning capstone.
  • LEAD - 9999 Capstone Internship II (3)

    Completion of Capstone Internship II enables the candidate to demonstrate mastery of competencies required of a leader. These experiences are designed for graduate students in all four strands: Non-Profit/Social Entrepreneurial; Public Safety/Criminal Justice; Higher Education Administration; and Superintendent, and will occur within diverse academic, economic, social, and cultural settings to provide the candidate with opportunities to lead activities which impact various members of organizational, school and/or district settings. Candidate hours of required field work will be determined by the scope of the Capstone Project, as determined by his/her Capstone Committee, including a Capstone Internship II Site Supervisor. Prerequisite: Prerequisites: Take LEAD-9991  and LEAD-9998 ; (1) Completion of 48 hours of doctoral coursework; (2) completion of Capstone Seminar; (3) pass both the written and oral qualifying exams, and (4) for superintendent strand, successful completion of the ILTS Content Area exam before beginning capstone.


  • BUS - 2200 Quantitative Methods in Business and Economics (1)

    Introduces quantitative tools necessary for business problem solving and analysis in advanced coursework such as Managerial Economics, Operations Management, Finance, and Marketing. Prerequisite: Prerequisites: MATH - 2109 Finite Mathematics (3)  or equivalent.
  • BUS - 3200 Business Communications (3)

    Presents a comprehensive treatment of basic principles of verbal and nonverbal business communications, including business letters, memoranda, reports, oral communication, and technical report writing. Instructional Method: Offered face-to-face and online. Prerequisite: Prerequisites: None

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